Welcome to the website of the Sydney Amiga Users Group!

Next Meeting:Sunday 16th February 2025

After a hiatus due to government restrictions, SAUG met once again for a July 2020 meeting. Due to ongoing restrictions, we could only accommodate a limited number of people, but the meeting was still an enjoyable experience and it was great to catch-up again!

We had a few machines in action, including a Tandy 1000, a miniature XT, an Amiga 1200 and a Commodore 64.

Xenon II on MDA

Jordan demonstrates why Xenon II on an XT with MDA is much more enjoyable than the original Amiga version.

Mini-XT and Tandy 1000

Tetris – a true classic. Shown running on an authentic mini-XT (Carry 1) and a Tandy 1000 – one of the nicest classic PC machines one could own.

Rod is preparing an entry for the upcoming Decrunch 2020 Demo party. Unfortunately his A1200 was a bit low on RAM but this was solved after disabling various drive partitions and the credit card slot!

Rod waits for Lightwave Render to complete

Rod waits for a Lightwave scene render to complete on his A1200. Should be ready any minute now…

Mick also brought along his Rainbow keyboard C64 complete with 1541-II floppy drive.

Mick proudly displays his rainbow coloured C64

Lastly, Steve of C64 Robot Guitar Fame brought along his C64 and an oscilloscope which we used to demonstrate the analysis of composite video signals which are typical of a retro computer.

Below photos include Steve relaxing with his C64, collection of floppy drives sorted in chronological order, and display of a PAL composite signal generated by a C64 on an oscilloscope.

Steve Smit with C64

Steve enjoys a coffee while contemplating his next robot guitar development

Multiple C64 floppy drives

Steve’s collection of floppy drives arranged in chronological order

A composite PAL signal is displayed on an oscilloscope

Chris looking at oscilloscope

Chris examines a PAL composite signal from a C64

July 2020 meeting view

The July 2020 meeting – limited attendees, but in full-swing!


That’s all for this month! See you all again in August – hopefully with reduced restrictions!


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